

Although their name suggests otherwise, these nocturnal, hard-shelled, worm-like creatures don't have a thousand legs, but only up to a mere 400. Slow moving and ranging from 1/2 to 2...

Potato Tuberworms

A pinkish white, 1/2 inch long caterpillar with a brown head, this pest tunnels into the stems, tubers, and fruit of its target plants. It's a problem in the southern...

Rose Chafers

Unlike most insects named after particular plants, the rose chafer doesn't limit itself to one target. It's a general pest. The 2 1/2 inch long adults, slender, long legged, and...


Unlike their bee and wasp relatives, sawflies are plant eaters, named for the way females use their egg-laying organs to saw slits in plants. Adult sawflies look like wasps, but...

Scale Insects

Varying in size, shape, and color, the many species of these aphid cousins look like bumps on bark, leaves, and fruit. All are equipped with an insecticide-resistant coat, a leathery...


Oval and about 1/2 inch long, these seven-legged crustaceans are easy to tell apart; sowbugs have two tail like appendages, and pillbugs curl into a tight ball if disturbed. Although...


Frothy bubbles on a plant are a sure sign that these small, triangular, brownish or greenish creatures are in residence.The froth is actually a protective coating produced by the nymphs;...

Squash Bugs

Long-legged and mainly nocturnal, these true bugs are stubborn pests that favor cucurbits. Both adults and nymphs suck sap from stems and leaf undersides. The 1/2 inch long, shield shaped...

Squash Vine Borers

An eastern pest, the squash vine borer is a 1 inch long caterpillar with a white, accordion like body and a brown head. It tunnels inside plant stems, cutting off...


The nymphs and adults have piercing mouthparts which most use to suck sap from plants, although some eat other insects. When they group in large numbers they can become significant...


A few types of these narrow, barely visible insects are predators, but most are pests. Some kinds eat just about any plant, while others attack only a single species. Both...


Weevils are recognized by their distinctive long snout and antennae with small clubs; beyond that, they have a considerable diversity of form and size, with adult lengths ranging from 0.04...