Hairy Bittercress

Hairy Bittercress

A winter or summer annual. Reproduction is by seed with many generations per growing season. This plant has a definite basal rosette of leaves consisting of 2-4 pairs of alternately arranged leaflets. The leaf surface is often hairy when young, then becoming less hairy when mature. This plant likes cool, moist conditions. When these conditions exist, this plant will produce flowers for an extended period of time. They are most prolific in mid to late spring. The small white flowers are at the end of the stems. The resulting seed pod is flat, narrow and rather long. When the seed pods are mature, they will propel the enclosed seed over 3m from the plant. This weed is most common in the northern and southeastern United States. It grows exceptionally well on moist, sandy or organic soils in waste and cultivated areas. It is a common weed of landscapes, turf, greenhouses and container crops.

Bonide Solutions