

A winter or summer annual or biennial, freely branching at the base, with a prostrate growth habit. Found throughout the United States, more common in turfgrass, landscapes, and nursery crops.rSeedling: Cotyledons are heart-shaped, 5-7 mm long, 3-4 mm wide, with 3 main veins, hairy. Alternate young leaves, crinkled, circular with toothed margins, and hairy on both surfaces.rRoots: Short, straight-taproot.rLeaves: Alternate, on long petioles, circular to kidney-shaped, toothed and shallowly 5-9 lobed, 2-6 cm wide. Short hairs present on upper and lower leaf surfaces, margins and petioles.rFlowers: Single or in clusters of 2-4 in leaf axils. Petals white or tinged with pink or purple.rStems: Freely branching at the base, lying close to the soil surface, nearly erect or spreading with tips turned up (decumbent).

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