Snow Molds

Snow Molds

Snow molds show up in at least two forms; both prosper in wet, cold weather, especially if grass remains soaked for long periods. Gray snow mold causes irregular dead, bleached patches up to 2 feet across; gray mold is visible on the grass. Pink snow mold produces circular, light brown patches, sometimes blotched with pink … Read more

Rust (on lawns)

Rust (on lawns)

Typically infects Blue, Bermuda, St. Augustine and Rye Grass during the summer and fall, causing a distinctive orange rust-like appearance. The spores are easily spread by tools and foot traffic.

Red Thread

Red Thread

Red Thread Disease is a fungal infection found on lawns and other turfed areas. It is caused by the corticioid fungus Laetisaria fuciformis and has two separate stages. The stage that gives the infection its name is characterized by very thin, red, needle-like strands extending from the grass blade. The other stage is visible as … Read more

Leaf Spot (Lawns)

Leaf Spot (Lawns)

This condition causes patches of thin, brown grass; the blades have small oval spots with bright red centers and darker borders. Most common on bluegrass and rye grass, leaf spot is caused by various fungi (some formerly known as helminthosporia leaf spot fungi). Use a fungicide when you first notice damage. Too-lush lawns and those … Read more

Peach Leaf Curl

Peach Leaf Curl

Most active during cool, rainy springs, this fungal disease slowly weakens infected trees. If left unchecked, afflicted leaves show a coating of white spores; these can reinfect the host tree the following year. Target: Peach, nectarine. Damage: Midribs thicken, causing the leaves to pucker and curl, leaves are tinged with red or yellow and drop … Read more

Dollar Spot (on Lawns)

Dollar Spot (on Lawns)

Disease of turf grasses caused by the fungus Sclerotinia homeocarpa, attacks most warm season turf grasses . Bentgrass, hybrid bermudagrasses and zoysia are most susceptible to dollar spot. The disease occurs from spring through fall, and is most active during moist periods of warm days (70-85°F) and cool nights (60°F) in the spring, early summer … Read more

Brown Patch

Brown Patch

Brown Patch, also known as Rhizoctonia solani or Rhizoctonia Blight, attacks lawn grass during the early summer. It causes small (silver dollar sized) spots of tan/brown on most lawn types. These spots can eventually merge to infect large areas. Large brown-patch thrives best during hot, humid nights. It makes its appearance in circular, smoky-looking spots … Read more

Anthracnose (on Lawns)

Anthracnose (on Lawns)

Attacks any turf grass, but primarily bluegrass and centipede grass in the summer and fall. Causes irregular sized tan, brown or reddish-brown patches of grass ranging in size from several inches to several yards. Can kill turf if left untreated. Anthracnose appears in the lawn as irregular patches of brown grass, 2 to 12 inches … Read more

Sooty Blotch

Sooty Blotch

Brown to dull black, sooty blotches with an indefinite outline form on the fruit surface. These tiny creatures live above the skin of apple fruit, in the protective layer of wax. The fungi develop in the wax, using the apple juice that seep through the skin as nutrients. Sooty Blotch overwinters on twigs of various … Read more