Colorado Potato Beetle

Colorado Potato Beetle

Though native to the Rocky Mountains, this pest long ago spread to all other parts of the United States except California and Nevada. The 3/8-inch long adult beetle is easy to spot: the showy polka-dot vest and striped pants are dead giveaways. The small, red-humped nymphs have articulated legs and rows of dark spots along … Read more

Chinch Bugs

Chinch Bugs

This true bug sucks sap from grasses; it’s attracted to poorly grown lawns. Chinch bugs start out pinhead-size and bright red, with a white band across the back; they darken as they mature, eventually becoming black, ⅛ inch long bugs with white wings. Don’t confuse this pest with its natural enemy, the predaceous big-eyed bug: … Read more

Cabbage Loopers

Cabbage Loopers

Green with pale stripes, this caterpillar has legs at the front and back, but more in the middle―a peculiarity that gives it a characteristic humpback or looping crawl. Fully grown, the pests are about 1½ inches long. Target: Cole crops, lettuce, celery, tomatoes, and various other vegetables and flowers. Damage: Large, irregular holes are chewed … Read more

Blister Beetles

Blister Beetles

Although markings vary greatly depending on the species, blister beetles are easily identified by their physique: the middle section of the body is noticeably smaller than the head or abdomen. The majority of these pests are well under an inch long. Target: Many flowers and vegetables, especially those belonging to the tomato family. Damage: Leaves … Read more



 Active at night and on overcast days, armyworms get their name from their habit of marching in troops, devouring vegetation in their path. Several species of these hairless caterpillars cause headaches for gardeners; all are 1 to 2 inches long and fond of leafy vegetables. Beet armyworms, varying from green to black, sport a stripe … Read more

Asparagus Beetles

Asparagus Beetles

As the name implies, these pests—both adults and larvae prefer asparagus to all other foods. The adults, reaching about ¼ inch long, are blue-black mottled with yellowish orange. The plump, ⅓ inch long grubs are olive green to gray, with a black head and legs. Target: Asparagus Damage: Growing tips of spears are chewed and … Read more



Aphids come in a variety of colors and are small, pear-shaped, and soft-bodied, these slow-moving sucking insects usually congregate in clusters. They’re sitting ducks for many natural enemies-but nonetheless, they prosper, thanks to their prolific reproduction. The many species come in a wide range of colors; usually wingless, they’re equipped with two tubes, called cornicles, … Read more



Many kinds of ants live in highly organized colonies in the soil, under rocks, and in tree cavities. Most types don’t eat plants, but instead cause trouble by driving away creatures that prey on or parasitize sap-feeding pests such as aphids, whiteflies, mealybugs, and soft scales. All these pests excrete honeydew, a sugary sap ants … Read more