Glassy Wing Sharpshooter

Glassy Wing Sharpshooter

There are some 2,500 species of these small, agile, wedge-shaped insects; many types are handsomely colored and patterned. Both adults and nymphs, which look like wingless or short-winged adults, suck sap from leaf undersides. Some species favor just one kind of plant, while others enjoy a wide variety. Leaf hoppers run sideways when disturbed and, … Read more

Fruit Flies

Fruit Flies

Fruit flies have brick red eyes, are yellow-brown in color, and have transverse black rings across their abdomen. They can be a major agricultural pest, with the potential to destroy up to 100 percent of some crops. Females lay some four hundred eggs, about five at a time, into rotting fruit or other suitable material, … Read more

Fall Webworms

Fall Webworms

About an inch long, this leaf-feeding pest is a long-haired, pale green or yellow caterpillar with a black stripe down its back. It feeds from inside the silken, web-like nests it builds at branch tips. Target: Fruit, nut, and shade trees; roses and other ornamental shrubs. Damage: Leaves are chewed; individual branches and sometimes entire … Read more

Emerald Ash Borer

Emerald Ash Borer

Emerald Ash Borer is an invasive wood boring beetle that feeds on the tissues under the bark of ash trees and kills them. The metallic green beetle is native to East Asia and was accidentally imported to the United States within the wood of shipping crates from China. EAB was first discovered in North America … Read more

Elm Leaf Beetles

Elm Leaf Beetles

Both adults and larvae feed on leaf undersides, but the larvae-1/2 inch long, dull yellow grubs with black stripes-cause more damage. The 1/4 inch long adults are yellowish green, with a black stripe on each wing cover. Target: Elms, Japanese zelkova. Damage: Leaves are chewed to lace; injured leaves may turn brown and drop. Repeated … Read more



These beetles resemble other members of the weevil group in having a long, curved snout. The larvae are grayish white, legless grubs. Most curculio species, including the plum curculio (shown), pecan weevil, black walnut curculio, and rose curculio, attack a narrow range of hosts. The plum curculio, found east of the Rockies except along the … Read more



Crickets, are insects somewhat related to grasshoppers, and more closely related to katydids or bush crickets. They have somewhat flattened bodies and long antennae. There are about 900 species of crickets. They tend to be nocturnal and are often confused with grasshoppers because they have a similar body structure including jumping hind legs. Crickets are … Read more



These 1 to 2 inch long aphid relatives have a black or mottled body, prominent reddish eyes, short antennae, and transparent wings, Periodical cicadas appear in late spring or early summer; the less harmful dog-day cicadas show up in mid to late summer. Male insects produce a loud buzzing “song” by vibrating membranes on the … Read more



Also called inchworms for their looping motion, these 1 inch long pests are found in all but the southernmost parts of the country. Spring cankerworm moths show up in spring, fall cankerworm moths in autumn when weather turns cold. The caterpillars of both types feed in spring, moving from tree to tree on silken strands. … Read more



The dangling silken bags, reaching a length of 2 inches, are more noticeable than the small brown caterpillars—each of which weaves its own bag and drags it along as it feeds. Bagworms are found as far west as Texas. Target: All trees, especially juniper and arborvitae. Damage: Leaves are chewed from the treetop down; defoliated … Read more